Sunday, September 8, 2013

Stupid - Using Scare Tactics

     I think it is absolutely ridiculous. Everything and everybody these days are using scare tactics into scaring up followers, customers, viewers, you name it. The Media is a BIG one. We fall victim to it everyday. Yahoo!News features all sorts of scare tactic material from one edge of your computer/phone screen to the other. You can fill a page full of stories they have listed for miles on end, scroll down, and it would still take a day to cover it all. It is just too much, and it is getting on my nerves! I know I am not the only one who noticed this already, I was not the first and I will not be the last. All they do is talk about everything that the Media thinks is scary enough to be announced on the news. 
     They feature crimes done that the average citizen would count as racism, like the Trayvon Martin case. That case was unjustly and I will be hated on because, I am simply telling the truth that it was a waste of time and it was just clearly defense. People will think I am racist if I do not agree with them. People thought it was racist and still do even though it is not exactly white on black either, but oh well. Read about it yourself for fuck's sake. 
     The news also features things that can be counted as a war start. For example, the past months prior to now, there was North Korea whining like a baby and going to throw missiles. Now it is with Syria and them acting like children and threatening to throw missiles. Once there is something about war popping up, they scare the citizens by not including the actual details on why it might start. I think they have a fear that the citizens will think it is a waste of time and money, like I think it is. 
     The news also will feature some stuff about celebrities, usually getting divorces. If it is not about a divorce they have destructive posts about hoe they dressed and how it was too racy, too revealing, too ridiculous, and they will call it fashion when it looks like a parrot put it together instead. They purposely put celebrities out on the spot and make their life worse, while making other girls think they will look worse if they do not look like them. They put up false hopes and end up looking like the most disturbingly dressed people at my school, or those who are outside begging for change to get 5 pounds of eyeliner and more fake hair. I feel bad for the horses, but that is besides the point. They are making females feel insecure by putting up celebrities at their worst and they know they will follow them, or laugh.
     They had just started to feature things on the news that are cute and cuddly and distracting, but it is just like the devotion class at my other school. They give an hour in that lecture hall and 55 minutes out of 60 they tell you how bad you are and how much of a sinner you are and you will go to hell if you look at them wrong. The last 5 minutes out of the 60 are used for telling you that God loves you and you get to go to heaven. They did this everyday. This is why I left that religion. This is why I do not watch TV anymore too. They use scare tactics for 90% of the time and then at the very end or in the middle they will use a comic relief and show you something cute. I think it is to confuse the viewer into thinking the show is not such a bad show. They do a good job because people still tend to watch and get upset and frustrated and all that wonderful stuff, then they get hit in the face with a kitten who can not keep its head up from exhaustion of being stupid all day. 
    You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. I tried it and it is true too. I got a lot of flies and my room was swarmed. I hated it but, at least the flies got stuck in the honey and died. Stupid flies. Nothing is free.
    I still think the scare tactics are ridiculous. Try NOT doing that shit and let people come on their own, do not scare them into coming and following you. That's dumb. You sure as hell are not getting my vote.

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