Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Random Post #2 - Blogging Tips

Blogging tips-

Even though I am just starting to become a blogger myself, I have noticed a few thing I do for blogging and a bit of what others do when they go about blogging too.

Maybe one thing that most people if not all do, is write freely... what more can a blogger do? Do not be a robot or you might not end up as unique as you truly are when it comes to searching your topic on Google, and finding out that thousands have written about the SAME thing, maybe even with a chance of them having the same words as you do.

Another thing is, do not rely on having to make paragraphs and paragraphs of content, it is not essential to have a good blog. I can go about writing a few words here and there of thoughts about a topic and people that have a history or not reading a lot at a time will appeal to your stuff. I myself tend to write a bit in one post, only because when I write, I just go off into writing a lot more then intended about that topic.

Looking over others' blogs can help you get a better understanding about what might be going on today or what has gone on last week. Some people go and write about News that has shown today, News that has been in the past, opinions and tips about what to do in certain situations, even about their favorite goldfish "Fluffle-Puff Squishy Face" or something cute. Once you decide what you might want to blog about, whether it be about your mom, society, job fields, trials and errors, or even your pet goldfish, take it and run with it.

And most of all, do not write what you do not want to write about, I mean, what fun will that be? Blogging is there to help you and to help others if you want it to be. Freedom of Speech is a powerful tool to help you out.

Have fun blogging!!

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